Friday, 11 November 2011


Unfortunately due to our last few lessons being cancelled it meant we couldnt use those lessons to continue editing, so on the 11/11/11 we are hoping to do double amounts of work to make up for it.

We have decided to focus mainly on making sure we finish adding in all the shots that we have finished, and make sure that by the end of the lesson each of our shots are the right colour and all of our clips of the artist singing fit in exactly with the lyrics, and looks as professional as possible. We will also use our lesson time to insert any transitions and effects needed.

Whilst 2 of us remain doing the editing, the other 2 members of our group will continue to blog about conventions of music videos and any other research we need to include when thinking about our video.

This lesson we are also going to take a look into classifications, making sure that our music video would be appropriate for the viewers, we will blog all of our research and also blog how we expect to incorperate this into our music video.

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