Thursday, 3 November 2011

Feedback from rough cut

After Andrea and Amar looked at our rough cut video, they gave us some feedback.

  • They told us that we should change our black and white parts of our video to colour and change the colour parts to black and white so that maybe that would make it look more dream like. 

  • We also need to add in some more shots of the artist (Christian) so it also adds as part of Goodwins theory, and also some close ups of the other characters (Saffy) so that it almost introduces them, and shows off expressions more clearly, and emotions between them. 

  • We need to add some short clips of the artist singing so it will make it look more like a music video, and more professional. 

  • We also need to cut up the existing shots that we have and make them shorter, and also muddle them up a bit so it shows a variety of locations and it doesn't look boring when the shots carry on for too long.

  • We need to change the split screen to two separate shots, and then use the split screen at the end, so there's a shot of him texting, then a shot of her texting, then the split screen showing them both texting, 

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